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Tuesday, 15 November 2011 16:03

Discount Specials for the Holidays

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New Computer Setup: Flat Rate $99.00 in Green Zone.  A savings of over 20%!!*

Getting a loved one a new computer, laptop or tablet for Christmas?  Need to have your data, pictures, and documents transfered over from the old computer? JRD Tech can help, this Holiday season we are offering a low flat rate for new computer setups.  We will transfer the data from you're old computer to your new computer, remove bloatware in the new computer, configure itunes, and install whatever software you need on the new computer (within reason), a service like this would cost over $200 at Staples or Geek Squad and even more in home.  JRD Tech is offering this service for $99.00 in home!  

*Old computer must be in working condition.

10% Off Virus Removal

Did the relatives come over and decided to visit every website they could on your computer?  Now it's slow, full of pop-ups, and you probably have a virus!  Get 10% off this Holiday season from JRD Tech on our virus removal service. 

Laptop Repair Services 10% Discount

Laptop LCD screen cracked or broken?  Need to jiggle the dc power jack connection to get it to charge?  Keyboard missing a few keys?  Let JRD Tech fix your laptop.

Read 4237 times Last modified on Saturday, 19 January 2013 02:52